Families » Weather Closing Information

Weather Closing Information

Making the Decision

The executive director decides to close schools after consulting with the administrative team and other stakeholders as needed. The bus company is also consulted on the feasibility of safe transport. The Communications Department communicates the school's status to families and staff.

The primary criteria we consider when making a decision to close buildings include:

  • Safety and well-being of students and staff
  • Severity of the weather (extreme cold, heat, etc.)
  • Timing of weather (overnight, weekend, etc.)
  • Ability for buses and cars to travel safely

We continually monitor the National Weather Service forecast and meet with numerous administrators to make the best decisions for scholars, staff, and families. 

Types of Closures

  • Full Closure of Hiawatha buildings: In extreme conditions or due to damage to physical locations, the executive director may decide to close all buildings and cancel all events.
  • After-school activities are canceled: We may cancel all activities at our physical locations if conditions become severe during the day. Every effort will be made to notify families by noon.
    • All after-school and student programs (including extra-curricular activities, athletics, field trips, and school events)
    • All physical meetings scheduled at Hiawatha Academies buildings
  • Late Start or Early Dismissal: Because of our bussing contracts, Hiawatha Academies is not able to provide a late start to the day. Early dismissal is only decided during emergencies because they have a significant impact on transportation. We will notify families as early as possible.


IMPORTANT: Families should sign up for ParentSquare. They are notified about closures via robocalls, text messages, social media, the website, and TV news. Please make sure you update your school with your current contact information. Families should assume school is in session unless they are otherwise notified.

Winter Weather Tips and Resources

  • Please dress children appropriately for winter weather conditions.
  • Call the community assistance agency “United Way 2-1-1” at 1-800-543-7709.
  • Refer to family resources webpage for info on free food, shelter, etc